My older brother Lance earned his Masters and came to DC for his graduation. We did a few sight seeing trips together and to celebrate his accomplishment we put on quite a dinner for him. It was formal, elegant, and traditional. Okay, the formal and elegant part is a complete exaggeration. But it was traditional. And by traditional I mean an Idaho Friday family dinner. Chili dogs and 16 tator tots each (we used to count them)!
So, now you are judging my hostess skills.... it is what Lance ordered.
Here is what our week was all about.....
Story time with Grandpa, best dinner ever, playing on the playground, Lance is wearing his custom made shirt from Paul, riding a vintage train through Amish country. I could go on and on about the nightly treats, girly bonding with cousins, but not enough space on one blog to describe all the fun. It was great to have Lance, Jennefer and girls.
Loved it all! Thanks for everything!
You could have left the triple roll pic. of me out for sure. Please take it out. Pictures doh't they? We had the best time for my grandkids and all the rest for sure. We will be on our way to california soon...can't wait. Grandma Ruth
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